Embezzlement Prevention – do your own financial books – that’s the only way to PREVENT embezzlement.
Embezzlement Detection
1) The Embezzlement Defense Guide guide $95
2) The Embezzlement Defense Guide + consultation/review with practical and implementable solutions as well as on going access – $250 (up to 2 hours of consultation – represents a $300 savings)
3) CashLock – call to see if this is a good fit
4) Forensic Audit – call your CPA but be prepared to pay upwards of $15k for a 1 year review period
We don’t want to give away our “formula,” but in accounting, a CPA will tell you to go back to the most basic of constructs, the T account. That is what we do – we go back to basics. And if you ask us to further define “basics” that would be like asking Coca Cola for their formula – we can only guarantee that once we audit your books – and we do not find embezzlement – we take responsibility and guarantee that there has been no embezzlement.
The founding fathers set up a system of “checks and balances” because they knew that power corrupts – they didn’t want to set up a system that involved TRUST – the same is true in your accounting dept. – signing checks today is old school with EFT transactions – your bookkeeper can pay almost anything and have you seen how your bank notates payments – you can barely read them – you need your own internal system of checks and balances. Do you want to spend your time doing this or bringing in a third party that has no connection to your system that can check on your bookkeeper.
Protecting Your Business From Theft and Fraud
Has Never Been Easier – Or More Affordable!

Embezzlement Defense Guide
Basically you are a “do it yourself” person, so at the very least, you want to understand and get underneath the process of what it takes to prevent embezzlement.

Guide Bundle Pro
You have read the guide and basically understand most of the procedures as well as the set up but let’s face it – every business has its own idiosyncrasies and the likelihood that a list of recommendations written…

On the other hand – you may believe that every second of your time is best spent in growing your business and/or the idea of immersing yourself in the accounting detail of your business is so onerous…

Forensic Audit
Forensic Audit
You are looking for a document that your bookkeeper normally provides you and because it is a Saturday morning – you need to find it yourself. So you go rummaging around in your bookkeeper’s desk…