80% of Employees Will Steal Given the Correct Circumstances
Find Out How to Protect Your Business BEFORE its Too Late
Not sure if you’re ready? Give us a call at 757-676-0622 and we’ll talk you through the options.
The 10-10-80 Fraud Triangle
10% of Employees Will Never Steal
10% of Employees Will Always Steal
80% of Employees Will Steal Given the Correct Circumstances
We Will Follow Your Money – Its Just That Simple

Protecting Your Business From Theft and Fraud
Has Never Been Easier – Or More Affordable!
“If you are like me and this was a ½ day business seminar, you’d think nothing of spending $149 or $199 to attend a seminar that was about running a better business. That’s what this is – a LOT of education at an extraordinarily low cost. And if you should decide to go with the CashCAM ProgramTM , even that cost is a fraction of what a forensic audit would cost through your CPA. I hope you don’t find out you’re a fraud or theft victim. I hope that the methods explained here simply help you know what to do to help you keep your finger on the cash pulse of your business.
But I also know that it is better to find out about a problem before it drags you and everything that you care about under.”
“None offer the detail contained in The Embezzlement Defense Guide. As the saying goes, the devil is in the detail.”
After perusing the guide commented that EMBEZZLEMENT 101 is brilliant in its simplicity. I wouldn’t have thought of this in a million years.”
“The Embezzlement Defense Guide is an easy read, easy to follow and I will definitely use it.”
“Embezzlement 101 truly is must reading for any small business owner. As a certified public accountant, I know. . . too often, the incidents of the kind referred to in the guide go undetected for too long and once discovered, the damage to the business is irreparable and the owner is sometimes too devastated or embarrassed to even admit to the occurrence of the event. Preventive measures and precaution is the best kind of insurance against embezzlement. I highly recommend this guide to anyone even considering starting a new business.”
